Summer 2025
Sign Ups begin Sunday, February 9th at 8pm on our Uplifter Registration Website (Details Below!)

Summer Details
**Breaking News: We are opening two new Wizard of Oz camps in June! (in place of our previously announced Seussical Jr camps.)
How To Sign Up:
We are using a new program this year called Uplifter Inc. to register applicants. YOU MUST HAVE A REGISTERED ACCOUNT WITH UPLIFTER TO SIGN UP FOR CLASSES (It's free and easy!)
When you click this link, look for the blue bar that says "You must login or create an account to register for programs". Toggle the pop up screen to "First Time Registering?" and fill out the information provided. Don't forget to verify your account by responding the to the automated email that they will send you!
By registering you are considered a "Member" on the site. Once you have created your account, please make sure that you go to "Participants" and add each of your children that you would like to register. If you need any help, please send us an email at sistersactaustin@gmail.com
Once you successfully add a program to your cart, the system will hold your spot in your cart for 30 minutes while you finish the waivers required and fill out your payment information. If you selected the incorrect program, please release your spot in the cart so that another family has an opportunity to grab it.
We look forward to working with your family and are here to answer any questions that may arise!
Sibling Discount- $35 off any sibling enrolled in the season. Applies once to your highest priced camp.
Full Day Discount- Use code FULL when you add a production and an intensive in your cart for a full day experience and take $100 off of your invoice.
Multi-Camp Discount- Enroll in more than one production camp for the same actor, and receive $50 off each additional camp.
Applies to two or more of: Seussical Kids, Seussical Jr, Jungle Book Kids, Grease, Wizard of Oz
June 9th-21st:​
Beginner/Intermediate Kids Program for ages 5-12 (Must be 5 years old by June 9th)
9:00-12:00 OR 1:00-4:00 Monday-Friday for two weeks
Cost: $450 (Siblings receive $35 off)
Full Performance with costumes, sets, props, lights, and your child as the star will be at 11:00am (morning cast) or 1:30pm (afternoon cast) on Saturday, June 21st.
$125 due now (nonrefundable), and two remaining payments of $162.50 due April 1st, 2025 and May 1st, 2025 (please note refund policy at checkout. There will be no refunds issued for any reason after May 15th, 2025).
Required: Jazz shoes are required for all students.
Beginner/Intermediate Kids Program for ages 6-11 (Must be 6 years old by July 28)
9:00-12:00 Monday-Friday for two weeks
Cost: $450 (Siblings receive $35 off)
Full Performance with costumes, sets, props, lights, and your child as the star will be at 5:00pm on Friday, June 20th.
Intermediate/Advanced Jr Program for ages 8+ (Must be 8 years old by July 28)
1:00-4:00 Monday-Friday for two weeks
Cost: $450 (Siblings receive $35 off)
Full Performance with costumes, sets, props, lights, and your child as the star will be at 7:15pm on Friday, June 20th.
$125 due now (nonrefundable), and two remaining payments of $162.50 due April 1st, 2025 and May 1st, 2025 (please note refund policy at checkout. There will be no refunds issued for any reason after May 15th, 2025).
Required: Jazz shoes are required for all students.
Spend the day with us getting to focus on the topic we all love the most- Musical Theatre! Participating students will focus on Sing/Sing 2 and The Greatest Showman, studying scenes, vocals, and choreography from these high energy shows. This camp will feature acting classes, vocal technique classes, and musical theatre style dance classes. It will culminate in one musical number to serve as a pre-show for the Seussical Camp. PAIR THIS WITH SEUSSUCAL FOR A FULL DAY CAMP. STAFF WILL BE ON HAND TO MONITOR A ONE HOUR LUNCH AND MOVEMENT BREAK. Use code FULL to save $100 when you sign up for BOTH the Musical Theatre Intensive and Seussical. Your child will stay from 9-4 daily and bring a lunch!
Sing/Sing 2 Kids: Ages 5-11 (Based on the hit movies. Must be 5 by June 9th)
1:00-4:00 for two weeks
Cost: $349
Daily instruction in singing, acting, and dancing. Includes crafts, games, and FUN! Culminates in one musical number as a pre-show for the 11:00am Seussical Kids Production on Saturday, June 21st. *Please note that this is NOT a full production
The Greatest Showman Jrs: Ages 8 & up (Must be 8 years old by June 9th)
9:00-12:00 for two weeks
Cost: $349
Daily instruction in singing, acting, and dancing. Includes crafts, games, and FUN! Culminates in one musical number as a pre-show for the 7:15pm Seussical Jr production on Friday, June 20th. *Please note that this is NOT a full production
$125 due now (nonrefundable), and two remaining payments of $112 due April 1st, 2024 and May 1st, 2024 (please note refund policy at checkout. There will be no refunds issued for any reason after May 15th, 2025)
July 14-26​
Beginner/Intermediate Program for ages 6-11 (Must be 6 years old by July 14)
9:00-12:00 OR 1:00-4:00 Monday-Friday for two weeks
Cost: $450 ( Siblings receive $35 off)
Full Performance with costumes, sets, props, lights, and your child as the star will be Saturday, July 26th at 4:30pm for our morning camp and on Saturday, July 26th @6:30pm for our afternoon camp.
$125 due now (nonrefundable), and two remaining payments of $162.50 due April 1st, 2025 and May 1st, 2025 (please note refund policy at checkout. There will be no refunds issued for any reason after May 15th, 2025)
Required: Jazz shoes are required for all students.
SistersAct Spotlight Advanced Program- By audition only for students entering 5th grade and up.
Returning students currently enrolled in Into the Woods will have first opportunity at signing up. Remaining spots will be released on February 9th. Any students who have participated in prior Spotlight shows (Elf, Mean Girls, Cinderella, Spotlight Showcase, or High School Musical) can register for available spots at that time.
NEW STUDENTS in 5th grade or higher: Please visit our advanced class Google Classroom here to learn about submitting a video audition. If you submit before February 9th, you will be eligible to grab available spots when they open. Here is the information to audition: https://classroom.google.com/c/NTgyMDEwNjAxMjcx?cjc=3udp4km
The class code is: 3udp4km​
9:00-12:15 OR 1:00-4:15 Monday-Friday for two weeks
Cost: $475 (Siblings receive $35 off)
Full Performances with costumes, sets, props, lights, and your child as the star will be on Friday, July 25th at 5:00pm (morning cast) and 7:15pm (afternoon cast) as well as Saturday, July 26th at 11:00am (afternoon cast) and 1:30pm (morning cast.) Each cast will receive two performances for Spotlights.
$125 due now (nonrefundable), and two remaining payments of $175 due April 1, 2025 and May 1, 2025 (please note refund policy at checkout. There will be no refunds issued for any reason after May 15th, 2025)
Required: Jazz shoes are required for all students
July 28-August 8​
Minis Program for ages 4-6 (Must be 4 years old by July 28)
9:00-10:30- Monday-Friday for two weeks
Cost: $225
Minis will be included in two stage numbers of our full Wizard of Oz Performance with costumes, sets, props, lights, and your child as the star! They will perform at the 5:00pm performance on Friday, August 8th.
Beginner/Intermediate Kids Program for ages 6-11 (Must be 6 years old by July 28)
9:00-12:00 Monday-Friday for two weeks
Cost: $450 (Siblings receive $35 off)
Full Performance with costumes, sets, props, lights, and your child as the star will be at 5:00pm on Friday, August 8th.
Intermediate/Advanced Jr Program for ages 8+ (Must be 8 years old by July 28)
1:00-4:00 Monday-Friday for two weeks
Cost: $450 (Siblings receive $35 off)
Full Performance with costumes, sets, props, lights, and your child as the star will be at 7:15pm on Friday, August 8th.
Full Program- $125 due now (nonrefundable), and two remaining payments of $162.50 due April 1st, 2025 and May 1st, 2025 (please note refund policy at checkout. There will be no refunds issued for any reason after May 15th, 2025).
Minis Program- $100 due now (nonrefundable), and two remaining payments of $62.50 due April 1st, 2025 and May 1st, 2025 (please note refund policy at checkout. There will be no refunds issued for any reason after May 15th, 2025).
Required: Jazz shoes are required for all students.
Spend the day with us getting to focus on the topic we all love the most- Musical Theatre! Participating students will focus on Wicked, studying scenes, vocals, and choreography from this amazing musical. This camp will feature acting classes, vocal technique classes, and musical theatre style dance classes. It will culminate in one musical number to serve as a pre-show for the Wizard of Oz Camp. PAIR THIS WITH WIZARD OF OZ FOR A FULL DAY CAMP. STAFF WILL BE ON HAND TO MONITOR A ONE HOUR LUNCH AND MOVEMENT BREAK. Use code FULL to save $100 when you sign up for BOTH the Musical Theatre Intensive and Wizard of Oz. Your child will stay from 9-4 daily and bring a lunch!
Wicked Kids: Ages 6-11 (Based on the hit movies. Must be 6 by July 28)
1:00-4:00 for two weeks
Cost: $349
Daily instruction in singing, acting, and dancing. Includes crafts, games, and FUN! Culminates in one musical number as a pre-show for the 5:00pm Wizard of Oz Production on Friday, August 8th. *Please note that this is NOT a full production class
Wicked Jrs: Ages 8 & up (Must be 8 years old by June 9th)
9:00-12:00 for two weeks
Cost: $349
Daily instruction in singing, acting, and dancing. Includes crafts, games, and FUN! Culminates in one musical number as a pre-show for the 7:15pm Wizard of Oz production on Friday, August 8th. *Please note that this is NOT a full production class
$125 due now (nonrefundable), and two remaining payments of $112 due April 1st, 2024 and May 1st, 2024 (please note refund policy at checkout. There will be no refunds issued for any reason after May 15th, 2025)